:Title APACHE - Remote Bombing of a Strategic Bridge :Description Helicopters: 2 :Para Targets: Laser designate bridge, air defences :Para Weapons: 16 Hellfire, Stingers :Para Take-off time: 06:24 :Para Flight time: 13 mins :Para Weather: Clear :Para In order to disrupt enemy supplies it is essential to destroy a bridge over the Kesong-Gang river. You are required to eliminate the air defences and then laser designate the bridge by 06:30 for an attack by F16's using laser guided bombs. :Outstanding The total destruction of this strategic bridge is a tremendous victory for the Apache pilots. The enemy's troops are now isolated and about to be attacked by our ground forces. :Success Destruction of this choke point has stopped the enemy's supplies from reaching the front-line. You have executed your mission well. :Failure Failure to destroy this strategic target has allowed the enemy to strengthen their forces and launch a major counter-attack. Your performance must improve dramatically if our troops are to succeed. :EOF